Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Managing the spring head case

With spring in the air and the rivers flowing…it is definitely time to brush all the cobwebs and leaves out of your boat and get on the river! Don’t be surprised if your first trip to the river you have some hibbie jibbies rattling around in your head—even if you are heading to your back yard run. You have been out of your boat for a while!

Here are a couple of suggestions for helping work through the head games:

• Remember is it a head game. You are a good boater and you are heading to a river that you know well.

• If you are not feeling 100%, think about backing off a bit and paddling a run that you are really comfortable on to build back up your confidence and remind yourself you are good! Even putting in a bit lower/taking out a bit higher than you normally do just to make it a good positive day.

• Make sure you are paddling with people you enjoy being with. Kayaking is a social sport and having good supportive friends along will keep you smiling/laughing, reminding you how much fun it is to be on the river!

• Focus on the positive. You know the run. You know you are a good paddler. Relax. Do not spend the entire drive to the put-in thinking about how nervous you are and/or how you might crash & burn. You might—but chances are good you are going to have a great day. Don’t ruin it by focusing on negative stuff.

• Sing a song! Sure it is a distraction. But sometimes the way to get negative thoughts out of your head is to crown them out with something positive. So find a song that will get you fired up/relaxed/feeling good about yourself and everytime the negative creeps in shut it out with your song.

• Have a smile on your face. This is fun!! And have a super good day.


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Big Thumbs up for the Diesel 60!

Having spent very little time in the Diesel in the past few years, and never in the new Diesel 60, the Cheoah was definitely going to test whether I liked the redesign or not--and I loved it!

I have always enjoyed the Diesel, but not spent a lot of time in it because I always felt the D65 was just a bit too big for me. All this winter paddling the Mutant down the rivers of Costa Rica and Ecuador, I kept thinking that it would be great to return home and check out the new 60 as it sure seemed it would be the right size.

The Cheoah was cold and rainy yesterday--not the kind of day you want to spend any upside down time (not that Cheoah is ever particularly the upside down kind of river!). So I was hoping that all the chatter about stability was true. And true it was and more.

I remember the day I paddled the original prototype of the Diesel and came away thinking it paddled "sexy." I still think that. It moved so nicely down the Cheoah; super responsive to correction strokes, and steered well from either the bow or the stern.

I saw my friend Taylor Cote in her D60. Taylor is a tiny person that paddles big (I missed seeing her run Bear Creek). So going from Taylor's diminuitive size, to my fairly normal size, up to maybe ball park 150 pounds, this is the 2009 boat of choice for you--especially if you want more of a river runner than a play boat,but not a river runner so creeky that it feels corky and slow--you need to check out the D60.

Great day out with the boys, in a super fun boat. Nice work TeamWave Sport!