Monday, April 11, 2011

Sweet Briar Kayakers Place Third!

Hats off to the women of Sweet Briar College!

From Laura, director of the outdoor program (SWEBOP) at Sweet Briar:

Yes We did it!!!!! We have lots of good stories and tales to tell about the American Canoe Association Collegiate Canoe and Kayak championships for Virgina Schools! We are on to Nationals in October.

Lauren Morgan took 3rd place in open boat single paddler division
Keri Falk took 3rd in the exhibition race through the class 2 + rapids
Then the exciting race of today was the relay race and we took 2nd place beating the very impressive Hollins who took 3rd was quite the upset..(but we still had dinner together and Krispy Cream hot donuts the night before for a little sister school camaraderie in our competition.)

SO drum roll please, out of 5 VA schools Sweet Briar won 3rd place overall and they have a trophy to prove it!


Monday, January 31, 2011

Prizes for 2011 Nan Open Already Coming In!!

What makes the annual Nantahala Open such a success is a) it is a fun non-competitive event; b) great people come from all over to support the event; c) Team Wave Sport comes with all sorts of enthusiasm and.....

the manufacturers' support of the event is first class!!

The 2011 Nantahala Open will be no exception. Already lined up to give their support to the event is a cast of veteran Nantahala Open Supporters:

Shred Ready Helmets

Snap Dragon Skirts




These friends not only support all of us with their great white water gear, but they support events such as the Nantahala Open--an event for the "normal" paddler out just having fun!

Stay tuned for more!